Message from au-delà

The doctors were sitting waiting for patients. It was unusual that the hospital was so empty. Normally, they had no time to sit as patients came and went all day long. Still, Roger, chief-doctor had had a busy day and was extremely exhausted. He could barely stay awake. He stumbled on things, but didn’t want to stop working. His motto was “work is what keeps you alive”.

All of a sudden, an ambulance siren started to wail. It was a loud sound that could be heard in the entire neighborhood. Roger, attentive to what was happening, ran towards the nearest entrance waiting patiently for the paramedics to enter with the gurneys.

- Oh dear God! – Exclaimed Joanne – one of the nurses as she saw a man with a twisted knee.
- We must work quickly! – said Roger while putting a pair of gloves on his skillful hands.

The paramedics took the patient to the surgery room. Doctor Roger ran behind them and quickly got ready to perform the surgery. His heart was beating fast pumping blood with a higher frequency than normal. He started to feel dizzy. He saw blurry faces. Everything was spinning around him. He collapsed. The nurses and the medical staff were in shock. They didn’t know what to do. It was such an unexpected happening that a doctor just fainted in the middle of a surgery. Swiftly, two nurses picked him up from the floor, he was yowling. They checked his pulse. He had lost it. His heart had stopped beating, his eyes went white.

Another surgeon had to run into the surgery room and perform the surgery. Roger was taken to a different room. He was given electroshock but it didn’t work. Nobody knew why his heart had stopped pumping blood. His wife was immediately informed. Luckily they had no children.
8:39 p.m. Time in which Roger died. His wife couldn’t believe it. Her always healthy and caring husband had just passed away. Doctors alleged the needed to know the reason of his decease. Things were set up to perform an autopsy.

His chest was ripped open. Blood was still. It didn’t spurt as they expected. His heart was in perfect conditions. There were no signals that revealed the reason of his death. His lungs were healthy. His liver, his kidneys, his everything was perfect. He was a perfectly healthy man.
Suddenly, blood started to pour out of his body through his pores. It was very unusual, it had never happened before. His eyes opened. It was as if some sort of spirit had taken over his body and tried to get a message across. The corps – there is no other term for the dead body – mumbled a few unarticulated words that nobody could understand and went loose. Several nurses ran away from the room screaming.

What would a dead want to say? I guess we’ll always wonder what dead people have to say. We never know what they couldn’t say when alive.

6 cosillas que tú dijiste:

FernanDo dijo...

vaya vaya...tal parece que has incursionado en el género del terror!
No me gustaría ver esa imagen en vivo.. no no..

Buena historia edgar, aunque el final está un poco confuso... espero no tenga nada que ver con Michael Jackson jajaja


Sara dijo...

el regreso de los muertos vivientes!!! los zombies contratacan!!! jaja,psbueno, otra historia con el mismo finalde edgar jaja

KaWoRuTaTy dijo...

Ay siiii, todos extrañamos a Michael Jackson! Creo que marcó nuestras vidas. Por lo menos ahora la marcó! no hay nada que ver en la TV. En fin, que loco! me alusiné con la historia hahaha pero el final tampoco lo entendí claramente, fue muy abrupto, creo entender un poco de la pregunta reflexiva del final... capaz k no era pregunta reflexiva hahaha... Pero ps siiiii, me sentí muerto en vida... ya no kiero autopsias!

Unknown dijo...

Fernando: sí!! después de leer a Baudelaire, lo único en que pienso es el terror, además de que mi estilo siempre ha sido matar a mis personajes.

Sarolina: jajajjajajjajajaj los muertos vivientes. Ya sé Sara, otra historia con muertos. Pero he estado reflexionando sobre mi próxima historia. Espero poder evitar las muertes.

Kaworuu: Ke bueno volverte a leer por acá. jajajja Michael Jackson!! ay no, tú y fernando se ponen de acuerdo!! Respecto al final, sí, ni yo mismo supe como "word it" para que quedara mejor. Creo que tengo que trabajar en finales.

Para todos: Graciaaaaaaaaas por seguir leyendo mis historias en sus momentos de ocio jejje.

Revis dijo...

Sangrita y cadaveres, que mas se puede pedir en esta vida? Buena historia, parece que el genero del terror suits you well my good sire...

Unknown dijo...

jajaja síiiiii! me gusta este genero!! :D:D

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