Because I love you

I know I'm not good at writing poems and I guess this cannot be considered one. I just started writing some ideas that came to mind and I put them as in verses. It doesn't matter if they don't rhyme. I just wanted to write something because I wanted to update this blog

Because everything reminded me of you
Because everyone talked to me about you
Because you’re now part of my life
Because I am now part of yours
It’s hard to believe it’s all fading away
So soon and so out of nowhere…

Because you taught me that life was not a square
For life can be lived
In a thousand ways I’ve never lived

Because you make me smile every time that I see you
Because you make me cry every time you go away
This is why I love you so much
And there’s nothing I can do against this feeling

People tell me to leave you alone
Is that possible?
My heart says no.
My heart is reluctant to give up

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It's never easy but time heals all wounds. Be strong and corageous, time will do it's healing.

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