Hard. Too much thinking, almost overthinking. Living hidden. Fearing. Enjoying. Easy...sometimes. Promiscuity. Self-compassion. Cowardice. Courage. People. Laughter. Sex. Fun. Breathe. Share. Keep for oneself. Loneliness. Trips. Memories. Family. Friends. Me.So many things going on. So big this whirlpool in which emotions come together and melt in only one being: Me.Leaving all you've always thought is right behind...not easy, is it? Wish I had it...yes. We all need it at one point. Why fearing? Why feeling scared of something you're not even sure it exists? Secrets. Coming. Going. Living in our selves! No...I don't want to house them in me, why holding back? Thoughts are just coming to my head. Popping up. It bursts...Yes. It's me.No, you only think you know me. Yeah, perhaps you've seen me face to face. Maybe we crossed a few words. There's a chance I might've called you my friend but if you really think about it, you know nothing about me. What do I like? What do I feel? How do I feel about this or that? Life can be tricky most of the times and it's up to us to find the way out. Yes. Maybe I do love you honestly...but, how to know it? There's no easy way to do it. I might as well just phone you and tell you the much I care about you and you know whether you take it or leave it.Opening up! Ts'always been a huge deal and it's not 'cuz I want to make one out of it, but it's something I'm learning to do carefully. Caution. That is important. Wow! I did mention caution when the reality is that I've been one of the least cautious people during these last years...where did I put my old good friends in this hierarchy that rules my life? Guess I, unintentionally, buried them somehow. Sex is fun, that I know, but think well who you fuck with. Even the one who claims being the healthiest person on the surface of the Earth can end up hitting you with the jackpot, and I don't mean it in the good sense of the word.Eyes/ I look at them. Yes/ Even tho you don't believe me! I do. Being shallow is not being me. Shit! Such a fat lie! I'm really shallow from time to time. Shame on me, huh? It doesn't really matter once you're so into yourself, covered with a thousand shields trying to hide and protect yourself from life. Life's there!! It won't ever go. So why trying to escape it? Face it! Yes. it's so frigging easy to say...so frigging HARD to do. Opening up. Do not ever wrap yourself in sorrow!.
Palabritas que te darían acceso
- amistad
- amor
- análisis lingüístico
- Andes
- arrepentimiento
- carta
- confesión
- decisión
- dedicatoria
- desamor
- desesperación
- diversión
- doctor
- duda
- ecuador
- ecuatoriano
- English
- erotismo
- español
- español ecuatoriano
- expresiones
- felicidad
- français
- furia
- futuro
- gracias
- italiano
- italiano aburrimiento
- lengua
- más allá
- melancolía
- Mexico
- misterio
- muerte
- pasión
- pensamientos
- poema
- prejuicio
- puerquita
- reflexión
- reinicio
- reino unido
- satisfacción
- soledad
- sueño
- sur
- teleton
- terror
- traducir
- tristeza
- UK
- viaje
- viajes
6 cosillas que tú dijiste:
sabes, no sé por qué tu manera de redactar me recordó a Ulises y no a nuestro amigo, sino al de james joyce jejje. Así es mi estimado enfrentar, enfrentar y enfrentar, ni modo Edgar las consecuencias de ser tan impulsivo a veces matan je, pero no hay nada que no pueda tener una solución, es bueno pensar en quiénes son nuestros amigos cómo los hemos cambiado o qué es lo que queremos, ahí está el camino que trazamos para nuestras vidas...
Ah se me olvidaba... no pensé que fueras a escribir en tu blog de nuevo jeje pero ya me puse al corriente, no era mucho je
Ya sé SARA..esto de ser impulsivo nos puede llevar a consecuencias indeseables, pero bueno, uno va trabajando poco a poco sobre esas imperfecciones que uno tiene para arreglarlas. En este caso, la impulsividad y los problemillas que puede causar...
Los amigos Sara! a veces uno se olvida de ellos y eso no está nada bien...
A Ulises de James Joyce??? jajaj
qué honor Sara! pero qué bien que lo notaste...fue una de mis influencias para escribir esta entrada del blog :)
Mucho sexo !! Y la vida !! COmo combinarlos?? je je. Mucha profundidad en su blog. Recuerde: Sex alleviates tension. Love causes it. See ya !
jajaja, Gracias lonchillo por pasarte por mi blog!! mira k no me esperaba un comentario tuyo1! grax! espero verte más seguido por acá...y si...SEXO SEXO!! jaja
What the hell?!!
Is it about sex?! Pervert.
I do NOT believe yoy that it is something deeper !!
Blame yourself.........regret your sins and you'll be in heaven.
Me agrado mucho esa forma de hablar contigo mismo, de hacerte reaccionar de que es lo que quieres y que es eso que buscas en la sociedad, en tu entorno, que vale la pena y que son cosas banales....
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